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Somablisskość&Embodied Revolution

czuła rewolucja przyjemności & kobiecości

Twój sukces nie musi kosztować CiÄ™ przyjemnoÅ›ci czy relacji.

I know you're passionate about your career or motherhood, but your success doesn't come from being "perfect" and this journey shouldn't lead to burnout.


You put your heart into everything you do, making sure everyone is taken care of, but before you start thinking about what you want to achieve as a leader, think for a second about when was the last time you really slowed down for a moment and allowed your body to feel more pleasure? Does the very mention of slowing down make you think "it's impossible"?


Neglecting this area is one of the biggest mistakes all Feminine Leaders (entrepreneurs & mothers) make. Without connecting to your pleasure, you can't authentically nurture your business and your loved ones. This is where all the magic happens. By reconnecting with your sensuality, you will create more meaningful connections with your business, your partner and your children, because you will begin to show up as your most radiant and vibrant self! 


Here, with me as your guide, you have an amazing opportunity to embody the most empowered version of yourself: a woman who is confident in her own skin, deeply authentic and unafraid to live the life she desires.

Phoebe Kuhn Front Cover Templates — kopia.jpg

After a month of working together, at the age of 30, I was able to experience full-body pleasure and a deep intimate connection with my partner for the first time in my life! 

 I recommend 1000% to work with Aneta & dive deep.


Ana Hita, Iran

Phoebe Kuhn Front Cover Templates — kopia.jpg

My key ingredients to feel turned on in relationships, intimacy and business.

Hi! It's a pleasure to meet you!

My name is Aneta Bednarczyk.

I know that you are as enthusiastic about your mission in the world as I am about mine, so I can't wait to get to know you better and support you in bringing more pleasure and fulfilment to your journey as a Feminine Leader so that you can make even more of a difference in the world.


Since becoming a Trauma-Informed Somatic Coach in 2020, I have coached many busy heart-centred entrepreneurs and mothers who have built powerful & thriving relationships with their loved ones as well as their clients, and it all started with reclaiming the most important relationship in their lives... the relationship with their bodies.


My clients come from various backgrounds, but they have one thing in common: a desire to experience more sensuality in their careers, relationships and lives.  If you are like that and want to create more impact and space for more pleasure, then you're in the right place!

So, shall we get started?

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Laura Waszkiewicz, Poland

I’m a better mother to my children. I let go of feeling like I have to constantly ‘give’. I learned how to receive pleasure, too.

Black Fabric

What men say about my work

Matty Adams, UK

Aneta transformed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Before we connected, I felt adrift, lost in the expectations of others and searching for direction. 


With her guidance, I rediscovered what truly mattered to me above all else - the relationship I have with myself. Aneta’s constant support helped me rediscover the fuel and fire to my coaching business while also finding compassion and strength within myself.


Now, I feel like a new person—confident and ready to take on the world. Aneta is not just a coach; she’s a force for change, bringing authenticity and connection into a world that needs it.


Aneta, your impact is immense, and I’m forever grateful for your guidance.


" "I," you say, and you are proud of that word.  But the greater thing— in which you are unwilling to believe— is your body with its great intelligence; it does not say “I”, but performs it."

Friedrich Nietzsche

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